Friday, March 7, 2014

Student Success Statement

“Your worth consists in what you are and not in what you have.”
 –Thomas Edison, Inventor

Reflection: the world that we live in today has conditioned us to think that the value of an individual consists of what they have, when in reality it’s based on who they are. People see more value in money, cars, gold, diamonds, clothing, shoes, and houses. They prefer to live of the material of this world instead of a gift that God has given us, our lives. With so much distraction of wanting material, we tend to forget the true value in ourselves, which is worth more than any material or object. We are worth more than any money or riches can buy. Each one of you is a different individual with a different value and you show your value in the way you speak and act. Don’t forget the value in you, we are all princesses and princes’ of God and no one or anything can make us more or less than how God created us. Be yourself even if everyone goes against you, know that there is someone who accepts you and wouldn't change you, he made you who you are, don’t change for someone else, He is God. Be the true you J. Choose the right.

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